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DJI Spreadwings S900 Custom Build

This drone was specially built to undertake visual inspection under the Humber bridge using a 30x optical zoom camera that can be fixed to the top of the drone so it can look up. The photo with the red background is a mockup we used in tender documents.  Zenmuse Z30 camera not included in sale.

UAS Make and Model: DJI S900
DJI Lightbridge 2 and additional controller.

Flight Control Computer: DJI A3 with
2 x DJI A3 IMU & GPS upgrade for triple redundancy.

6 x DJI 4114 motors (< 3 hours flight time)

Diagonal Wheelbase: 900 mm

Landing Gear Dimensions (HxLxW): 460 mm long, 450 mm wide and 360 mm high

Weight: 8.2 Kg (maximum takeoff weight), 3.3 Kg(empty)

Propulsion:  Battery Powered Electric, 6 motors

Energy Store: LiPo, Required voltage: 22.8V

Lost link response: If GPS is available, return-To-home-point, automatic landing

C2 Link: Line-of-Sight, spread spectrum R/C 5.8 GHz

Maximum range: 2 Km or 1.2 Miles

Flight Control Station: DJI GL858A x 2

Operating temperature range: 0 C to 40 C

Maximum operating wind speed: 10 m/s or 22 mph

Maximum endurance: 18 Minutes (10,000 mAh)

Maximum speed:  12 m/s or 27 mph


Flight controller is DJI A3 system with triple redundancy for high risk environments. 

Price does not include
Camera: DJI Zenmuse Z30 (Click Here)


S900 Custom Build with A3

  • Email stating the item you are interested in together with its price and we'll send an invoice under separate cover.

    Do not use online shopping cart as it is no longer configured to accept payments

  • All products are sold as seen and have been described accurately. You are welcome to visit our office and check equipment yourself. We offer no refunds.

    If you wish to have a test flight you will need to show a valid UK CAA PDRA-01 Operational Authorisation and insurance.

© 2023 UK Drone Surveys

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