Paull Village is located to the east of Hull on the north bank fo the Humber Estuary in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Paull and the surrounding area is low lying, artificially drained land at risk from flooding from river, estuary and surface water.
The Environment Agency's Flood Zone map shows the site lays within Flood Zone 3a with a high probability of flooding especially during a tidal surge. The recent tidal surge of 2013 coincided with high spring tides, resulting in record water levels and widespread flooding of properties in Paull and nearby villages.
Paull and the Humber Estuary are protected under European legislation as a Special Area of Conservation, a special protection area and as a Ramsar site, designated a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar convention.
This promotional video was commissioned and used as the East Riding of Yorkshire Councils submission for the Constructing Excellence in Yorkshire & Humber awards 2018.